Research Handbook

This Handbook for Marine Image Analysis for Citizen Science brings in all the learning partners have had during the implementation of Into The Deep, such as:

  • What sort of questions can adult marine citizen science answer?

  • How to prepare adults to engage in participatory science and

  • why it’s important

  • What motivates us to learn as adults?

  • Data collection or retrieval

  • Data quality check

  • Benefits of integrating citizen science support into your

  • project

  • Running the citizen science project

  • Data analysis and group annotation

  • How your project can support ocean (re)connection

  • Sustaining Citizen Science participation

  • Citizen Science communication

The ITD partnership really appreciates all comments, feedback and suggestions you send to

8 Case Studies for Researchers

Each of these cases showcase what their focus is and how they involve the citizen scientists.

Do you have a marine dataset you'd like to submit to BiiGLE Party for community research?

We are working on an online manual to help guide you though this process.

If you have questions meanwhile, don't hesitate to contact us.